Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shocker! I'm getting apathetic towards magazines

There was something about my first issue of Vogue Magazine, the September 2009 issue, that brought me to my knees. It made me form a love affair with magazines and the fashion, photography, models, and ads that they were composed of.

Lately it's changed. I no longer am completely overcome with excitement when I pick up a new issue of Vogue (or any other magazine, for that matter). Maybe it's because i've become more comfortable with who I that I don't have to really hide my love for magazines any longer.

Maybe it's because I preview all of the eds on The Fashion Spot before I buy the magazine. Come to think of it, that may be it. When I bought my first Vogue, I didn't know who was on the cover until I saw it at Barnes and Noble that day. Now I know almost every photo, model, and photographer included in this month's issue.

Okay...maybe I should have thought this post through more because now I realize that I should just stop checking The Fashion Spot so much. I'll report back!

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