Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The status of le blog

Oh boy. This blog looks like shit right now. I'll try to make it a project to re-design and clear out old and badly formatted posts.

I like blogging and talking to new people who share interests with me so i'll keep working on it.

EDIT: New header and I deleted a post to make everything look a little better. Any and all layout suggestions are welcome from anyone who happens to come across this blog (Hello. How are you?)

Will be posting more soon about summer, movies, magazines, fashion, art, cityscapes, venereal diseases, Nikon cameras, and Barbara Walters soon.

Wait a of those things in that list should NOT be there. BARBARA WALTERS!


  1. Good luck with the renovation! I think it looks fine now though.

  2. Gee, you really have a great sense of humor, and I really mean it:) Good luck with the renovations (I know what pain it might be:)) but even without that, you have a very interesting blog, pls keep it up!
