Saturday, February 20, 2010

I picked up a drunk girl at 12:30 A.M.

So the story starts. I was driving back from driving my friend back to her house after we saw Shutter Island and I came upon a car that was stuck in the ditch. The ditch that's covered in about 3 inches of fresh snow along with all of the other snow that had been building up in the past couple of months.

She looked about 25 so I quickly concluded that she wouldn't murder me when I walked over to her car. She rolled down the car and I asked if she needed help. "Yeah, I do, AAA ISN'T BEING VERY HELPFUL."

I asked her to put her car in reverse while I tried to push. The car didn't budge. She said her mom's house wasn't far and I offered her a ride. I would have NEVER done so if I didn't smell the booze rising out from her window.

While she gave me directions to her house (she wasn't even close to the right road when she pulled into the ditch) she kept asking where the car was and if it was gonna be towed. " I don't think anyone will tow your car this late. Just make sure you get back to your car early tomorrow to get it out."

She looked at me blankly and said "Like 9? Would that work? Or how about 10 because i'll be kind of sleepy...hehehoho".

I didn't say anything.

I got her to her house and she rummaged through her purse and crammed a ton of Altoids in her mouth then asked if she could leave her keys with me. Before I could say "No" she got out and stumbled through her front door.

All I can say is that she's lucky I had to drop a friend off. If she hadn't drove into the ditch she probably would've gotten killed and if I didn't stop, someone else with really fucking scary intentions could have.

Good luck, drunk girl.

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